

How can I create an H2 consumer profile of a hydrogen refueling station for Edgar HyPro with Edgar HRS? 

In 5 steps to your own HRS consumer profile in Edgar HyPro: 

In this tutorial, we show you how to use Edgar HRS to create your own hydrogen refuelling station consumer profile and import it into Edgar HyPro. This is a workaround that will be replaced by an automatic interface in the future. 

The logic behind the workaround: 

With Edgar HRS, a hydrogen refuelling station is optimized so that all vehicles requiring refuelling can be fully supplied with hydrogen. To generate an H2 consumption profile for Edgar HyPro from Edgar HRS, you should first plan a hydrogen filling station that is constantly supplied with hydrogen via a pipeline. This ensures that the system components of the hydrogen refuelling station are optimally dimensioned and you also receive the required H2 input profile of the HRS, which you want to supply with hydrogen production in Edgar HyPro. You then use Edgar HyPro to design the production and supply of the hydrogen consumers. 

In short: The input profile of the hydrogen refuelling station (H2 demand at the entrance to the HRS) is also the H2 consumption profile that needs to be covered in Edgar HyPro. 

In addition to this tutorial, you will receive our transformation template that will help you to convert the 4-second values from Edgar HRS into 15-minute values for Edgar HyPro. 

The step-by-step guide: 

1) In Edgar HRS under Projects > Plant engineering > New plant > Hydrogen supply, select “Constant source” for the type of H2 supply. Under “Select type”, use a suitable constant source for your project from the Data manager.

You can also create your own constant source according to your specifications under Data manager > Constant source. To ensure that the interface to HyPro can be guaranteed, make sure you specify suitable values for the pressure and mass flow of the constant source.

2.) Run the optimization or simulation. 

3.) Download the progress chart “Mass flows of the sources [kg/h]” as a CSV file. 

4.) Transformation from HRS time steps (4 seconds) to HyPro requirements (15 minutes) 

a) Copy the values from the downloaded CSV file into the first tab “Input profile of the HRS” of the transformation template

b) The 15-minute values are automatically calculated in Tab 2 “Arithmetic average for HyPro”. 

5.) Create the refuelling station profile in Edgar HyPro in Data Manager > Consumer profiles > New consumer profile 

a) Under the “General” tab, make sure to select the entries on the left “H2 consumption”, “quarter-hourly” and “week”. Under Transfer pressure, use the same pressure as in your pipeline profile in the HRS Data Manager > Constant source. The transfer pressure in HyPro therefore corresponds to the input pressure of the constant source in Edgar HRS. 

b) Download the template for the H2 consumption profile

c) Replace the entire values in column B under the title “H2_Bedarf_kg/h” with the numerical values from the transformation Excel column E “Arithmetic average for HyPro” and save the table “Profile_hydrogen_week_15min” as a CSV file with the inserted average values from the transformation template. 

d) Upload the consumer CSV file with the imported values to Edgar HyPro.

Now you can use your specific hydrogen refueling station profile for your calculations in Edgar HyPro. 

Do you still need support? Feel free to contact our support team. 

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